You read it correctly.
Jessica Jiyeon and YG Entertainment producer Teddy Park have decided to end their 13 month relationship.
Rumors surfaced last year of a possible romance, but they were quickly squashed, after the two were spotted at a music event together shortly before Girls’ Revolution debuted. Weeks later it was confirmed to be true.
Netizens claimed that the relationship was scandalous due to the age difference {Jessica was 20 at the time; Teddy was 31} as well as Jessica's then rookie status. The two fought against public opinion & continued on, eventually becoming a beloved couple.
AKF contacted Teddy Park earlier and was able to get his thoughts on the ending of their romance.
“It was mostly an issue of time. We're both extremely busy and we never had any real moments for each other. I'll always care for her, and only wish good things for her in the future, but it was at a point where neither of us could make it work any longer.” Teddy told AKF.
Jessica was unreachable for a comment.
THIS IS SO FAKE! OMG! Got me rofl, baby g.